Friday, September 14, 2007

A Blank Slate

This is the record of a technophobe's (re)education.

Maybe it is a mistake to label one's self a "technophobe" or a "Luddite" (one who resists technological changes) in an Information Technology course setting. However, I believe in being upfront with my shortcomings: I am (for the most part) technologically impaired. It is my hope that by the end of this semester, my brain with implode with all the fascinating information I will learn. Or at the very least feel a little more comfortable and knowledgeable in this digital age.


Stecki said...

Suppose though that, instead of imploding, your brain reorganizes itself? Or maybe, expands? I like the idea of learning and experiencing being non-destructive...

Translation: means, good luck!@

Thomas said...

I like to think of my brain as a big pot of simmering macaroni noodles, just waiting to be delicious...